Project Timeline

What will be delivered overall?

A web-delivered tool to estimate micronutrient deficiencies and explore pathways to improve nutrition. This will have associated user-support and educational resources. The tool will be fully open access, with pre-loaded and bring-your-own data options. Is any of this functionality of interest to you? Please connect with us if so by emailing and we will keep you updated.

What is happening right now?

We are busy confirming our data and modelling protocols for the MAPS Tool cost and effectiveness functionality. We are continuing to engage with potential users to ensure that we prioritise functionality development that will make the tool easy to use and well-designed for the users’ needs.

We are also now developing our user-support and educational/training resources, due for initial testing and use in the second half of 2022.

Want to get involved? Please contact us at or see co-design for more details.

What is coming next?

We have started small-scale user-testing of the system, with early ‘live’ version release due in the first quarter of 2022, with incremental build-up of released functionality throughout 2022 and into early 2023. Want to get involved in this system testing? Please contact us at